Don’t wait to look after your mental health
1 in 5 Australians are affected by mental illness annually, yet many don’t seek help because of stigma.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritising mental health and wellbeing has been more important than ever. The message is simple: “Look after your mental health, Australia.”
To find out more, and to share your own tips on how to look after your wellbeing and mental health, follow #LookAfterYourMentalHealthAustralia and #InThisTogether on social media.
There are lots of different ways to look after your mental health. Stuck for ideas? These ten tips are a helpful starting point.
Go to Mental Health Australia website and learn more:
If you or someone you care for is in need of immediate assistance you can contact the below National 24/7 Crisis Counselling Services:
13 11 14 – 24 hours a day
7 days a week
Lifeline Text
0477 13 11 14 – 6pm to midnight (AEDT)
7 nights a week
Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636
Butterfly Foundation National Helpline
1800 334 673
Carer Support
1800 242 636 or 1300 554 660
SANE Australia Help Centre
1800 187 263
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
MensLine Australia
1300 789 978
1800 184 527
Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling
1800 011 046