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01 Feb to 29 Feb 2020 is International CHD Awareness Month

By February 23, 2020Uncategorized


Childhood Heart Disease (CHD)

Some remember the term “Blue Baby” and “Hole in the Heart Baby” – these are conditions that describe CHD which, in reality, covers a wide range of conditions.

HeartKids is the compass to help navigate the lifetime journey of the 64,000 Australian children, teens and adults affected by congenital heart disease.  Our aim is to help them and their families  to lead the most fulfilling life possible and to reach their personal goals.

We are the voice for all people impacted by congenital heart disease – the largest cause of infant death in Australia.

Our work is focused on our four pillars of AdvocacyInformationResearch and Support.

To find out more click on the link below: